Well I tried to post pictures and for some reason it didn't work!! I will have to try again!! But in he meantime I will write a little about what we are doing. School is going great! We have finished our fourth week and are really enjoying it! Our history this year begins at creation and we will move forward thru time. Colt is so excited to learn about Egypt! We have just finished up with Noah and the flood and have just started discussing he first settlements around Egypt! The boys put on a play last week, maybe I can get it on here!
In land news, we continue to work on our "to do" list. More work has been done on the barn and we have the green house and garden areas picked out. We have put out several deer feeders and some game cameras. We love to ride he 4 wheeler and look for tracks. Troye is teaching how to find deer tracks and to learn their sleeping and eating patterns. Fun stuff.
We went to the first 4H meeting. It was very different from last years but also very informative. They do have shooting sports here but they don't focus solely on hat, and in fact don't start shooting until January. So we made the decision to let colt raise rabbits for his 4h project is year!! It will be a learning experience for all of us!
That about sums it up, look for more this week as we celebrate Cam's birthday!
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