Friday, January 4, 2013

Awesome visit from friends!

We have some great friends that came to visit us this past week! They are starting out on a new journey to rv around the US! We are so excited for them! The Haigood family arrived on Friday afternoon and even though we have only seen them twice in the last two years, it was as if we had never been apart! The boys (did I mention they have four boys) were best of friends as always! They immediately started playing and having fun! We enjoyed showing them the land and letting the boys be boys! We also enjoyed touring their rv and hearing more of their planned adventures!
On New Year's Eve, we had a huge party! The Haigood's were here and the Inman family joined us too! All in all we had 11 kids and 6 adults! It was a FANTASTIC night! We ate, laughed, played games and ate some more!
The Haigood's were suppose to leave on Tuesday but we were lucky enough to have it rain and we didn't want them to get stuck so they stayed one more night!! Yea! But on Wednesday they headed out! It was time for them to start the journey to Florida! Can't wait for them to come back next year!!
Thanks for visiting Alan, Jill, Micah, Nate, Caleb and Joshua!

A serious game is going on here!

Wendy, Jill and Charlene

The Haigood's, Dunlap's, and Inman's

Lots of eating going on!


Caleb and Cam

The 6 boys

Boys being Boys!

Mule Riding time.... the boys loved this

Micah shooting the air soft gun

Nathanael's turn shooting

Caleb and Cam swinging, they did this forever!

Here is the set up!  We had a plug installed so they could hook up the rv

This is the moment they arrived!  They boys went running down the drive way to each other! LOVE IT!

1 comment:

  1. OH Wendy - I love the post and photos! I miss you already!!!! Thanks for the WONDERFUL time! Thank you for everything! You are dear friends and we love you! The boys had a BLAST!!!!!
