Wednesday, February 20, 2013


The rabbits are here!!! We picked up five Californian rabbits last week. We had them tattooed and then brought them home. They stayed in the house for a few days while they adjusted to their new home and while we critter proofed their outside home! We had to make some changes to where they were going to live! The greenhouse was too hit and wet! So we decided to put them in our deer stand that is not being used! It is small but the cages for and hey are protected from critters and weather.
The boys love the rabbits! Colt is doing a fantastic job taking care of them! He gets up every morning and immediately does everything needed to care for them. We are slowing separating them to different cages and weighing them daily. They cannot be over 5 lbs on show date but should be as close as possible. We will take the 3 best looking rabbits to show. This is certainly a learning experience for all of us!

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